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What is digital transformation?
Published on 28th Sep 2022

At its most fundamental, digital transformation is employing digital technology to improve the efficiency or effectiveness of a corporate operation. The goal is to leverage technology to change a current service into something much better, rather than just replicating it in digital form. It may appear straightforward, but digital transformation may be a lengthy, costly, and intricate process that does not always proceed as planned.
Depending on the sector and the specific project, each definition of digital transformation is unique. However, the key components will almost certainly entail rethinking business models, updating the underlying technological stack, experimenting with customer experience, and maybe even reforming organizational culture.
Many various technologies may be used in digital transformation, but the most popular currently are cloud computing, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence. Over the next several years, we should expect growing interest in some hotly debated tech concepts, such as the metaverse, blockchain, and digital currencies.
However, altering business processes and company culture is just as important to the success of these programs as changing technology. Digital transformation projects are frequently used by large and established organizations to compete with smaller, digital-only competitors. These initiatives are often huge in scale and ambition, but they are not without danger.
While the term "digital transformation" is often used in the IT business, its meanings differ. Everyone can agree that, beyond the hype, fluff, and misunderstanding, digital transformation entails some significant shifts in organizational culture.
The definition of digitalization is complex and controversial as the form of digital transformation evolves. One thing is certain: transformation, in whatever shape it takes, is here to stay, which implies that IT professionals and their business counterparts must develop a long-term change plan.

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